Hassan Darabi

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-02-01

Hassan Darabi

Faculty of Environment / Environmental Design Engineering

Journal Paper

  1. "Graph theory in ecological network analysis: A systematic review for connectivity assessment"
    رستگار هاشمی, Hassan Darabi, Masood Hashemi, Jingxia Wang
  2. "Modeling the spatial relationship between landscape services and vulnerability assessment"
    Hassan Darabi, یاسر باژدار, Amir Houshang Ehsani
  3. "Modeling Airflow in Urban High-Rise Building Areas and Climate Comfort"
    Tahmineh Zahedifar, Hassan Darabi
    Pollution, Vol. 1, No 10, pp.104-118, 2024
  4. "Urban Rivers Landscape Services Assessment Based on Public Perception in Mehranrood River, Tabriz, Iran"
    Hassan Darabi, Parisa Rasouli Dehkharghani, Amir Houshang Ehsani, Hadis Kordani
    Pollution, Vol. 9, No 4, pp.1624-1637, 2023
  5. "Iran’s destination image, incremental analysis of safety and security"
    Hassan Darabi, پریسا رسولی دهخوارقانی, حدیث کوردانی
    Journal of Vacation Marketing, Vol. 30, No 5, pp.1-15, 2023
  6. "Modeling the Impact of Citizens' Social Responsibility on Sustainable Development Based on the Modifying Role of the COVID-19 Pandemic"
    Fatemeh Torkashvand, Hassan Darabi
    Present Environment and Sustainable Development, Vol. 17, No 1, pp.275-283, 2023
  7. "Modeling land use/cover change based on LCM model for a semi‑arid area in the Latian Dam Watershed (Iran)"
    Banafsheh Shafie, Amir Hossein Javid, Homa Irani Behbahani, Hassan Darabi, Farhad Hosseinzadeh Lotfi
    ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, Vol. 195, No 363, pp.1-16, 2023
    Banafsheh Shafie, Amir Hossein Javid, Homa Irani Behbahani, Hassan Darabi, Farhad Hosseinzadeh Lotfi
    Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, Vol. 31, No 1, pp.9-22, 2023
  9. "Rapid ecological resilience assessment of urban forest parks: An alternative approach"
    Hassan Darabi, Roghaye Hamedi, Amir Houshang Ehsani, Mohsen Kafi
    Pollution, Vol. 8, No 3, pp.963-977, 2022
  10. "The Review of Ecological Network Indicators in Graph Theory Context: 2014–2021."
    Rastegar Hashemi, Hassan Darabi
    International Journal of Environmental Research, Vol. 16, No 24, pp.1-24, 2022
  11. "Flood anticipation, reality, and uncertainty, the 2019 flood in Khuzestan, Iran"
    Hassan Darabi, Hadis Kordani, Ardeshir Jamshid Abadi
    NATURAL HAZARDS, Vol. 4, No 113, pp.1-17, 2022
  12. "Perceptual buffer zone: a potential of going beyond the definition of broader preservation areas"
    Hassan Darabi, Homa Irani Behbahani, Samin Shokoohi, Saman Shokoohi
    Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. 10, No 3, pp.1-21, 2020
    Ali Daryabeigi Zand, Hassan Darabi, Laleh Ghafouri, Alireza Taheri
    Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 18, No 9, pp.1936-1927, 2020
  14. "Evaluation of Ecological Vulnerability in Chelgard Mountainous Landscape"
    Hassan Darabi, Samira Islami Farsani, Homa Irani Behbahani
    Pollution, Vol. 5, No 3, pp.597-610, 2019
  15. "Motivation-based Market Segmentation in Rural Tourism: the Case of Sámán, Iran"
    Nasser Bayat, ebrahim rastegar, Hassan Darabi, narges ahmadifard, Luca Salvati, Majid Tajic
    AlmaTourism, Vol. 10, No 19, 2019
  16. "Illuminating the formal–informal dichotomy in land development on the basis of transaction cost theory"
    Hassan Darabi, Danon Jalali
    Planning Theory, 2018
  17. "Rapid Vulnerability Assessment of Lavizan Urban Forest Park"
    Hassan Darabi, Roghieh Hamedi, Amir Houshang Ehsani, Mohsen Kafi
    Pollution, Vol. 4, No 3, pp.417-428, 2018
  18. "Assessment and Estimation of Environmental Costs of Kasilian Dam"
    Mahsa Khodarahmi, Mohammad Javad Amiri, Abdolreza Karbasi, Sanaz Tajziehchi, Hassan Darabi
    Asian Journal of Water Environment and Pollution, Vol. 15, No 2, pp.107-114, 2018
  19. "A new knowledge management model for the conservation of historical sites"
    Mahta Saremi, Hassan Darabi, Mohammad Javad Amiri, Gholam Reza Nabi Bidhendi, Homa Irani Behbahani
    Journal of Tourism Theory and Research, Vol. 3, No 2, pp.133-133, 2017
  20. "Disaster Management Structure of Universities: Case Study of the Central Campus of the University of Tehran"
    Babak Omidvar, Kayvan Karimloo, Mohammad Sadegh Tavakkoli Sani, Hassan Darabi
    Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, Vol. first view, pp.1-13, 2017
  21. "Ecological Landscape Planning Considering Landscape Aesthetics (Case Study: Part of Tehran-Qom Freeway)"
    Hassan Darabi, Shoukoofeh Sadat Razavi, Azar Vaeziheir
    NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING, Vol. 07, No 9, pp.503-517, 2017
  22. "Identify systematic relationships of effective social parameters on MSW management (Case study: Tehran, urban 22-district)"
    Naser Hajmohammadi, Gholam Reza Nabi Bidhendi, Edwin Safari, Hassan Hoveidi, Hassan Darabi
    Urban Management, Vol. 43, No 1, pp.305-318, 2016
  23. "Integrated analysis of urban landscape fragmentation( case study: Historical-religious city of ray)"
    Zahra Assar Khaniki, Hassan Darabi, Homa Irani Behbahani
    International Journal of Environmental Research, Vol. ?, 2014
  24. "A framework for selecting suitable species for the development of green infrastructure in industrial landscapes in arid and semi-arid areas of Iran"
    ایمان سعیدی , Hassan Darabi, Mohammadreza Gili
    Journal of Arid Biome, Vol. 13, No 2, pp.139-157, 2024
  25. "Analysis of the Current and Future Prediction of Land Use /Land Cover Change Using (LCM) in Latian Dam Watershed"
    بنفشه شفیعی , Amir Hosain Javid, Homa Irani Behbahani, Hassan Darabi, فرهاد حسین زاده لطفی
    Journal of Environmental Research, Vol. 14, No 28, pp.55-74, 2024
  26. "Identifying the security-disciplinary consequences of climate change in Fars province"
    Ebrahim Rastegar, Hassan Darabi, محمد رضا فرجی
    Journal of Geography Law, Vol. 11, No 42, pp.86-128, 2023
  27. "Quantitative Evaluation of Geotourism potential in Firuzabad Geomorph sites: An opportunity for regional sustainable development"
    ابراهیم رستگار , Hassan Darabi
    Quantitative Geomorphological Research, Vol. 11, No 3, pp.120-143, 2023
  28. "Analyzing the perception model of the historical world tour of historical sites A case example of Pasargad-Takht Jamshiz historical axis"
    Mahta Saremi, Hassan Darabi, Mohammad Javad Amiri, Gholam Reza Nabi Bidhendi, Homa Irani Behbahani
    فضای جغرافیایی, Vol. 22, No 79, 2022
  29. "Assessing the Potential Threat of Road Transport Networks with Passive Defense Approach in Khuzestan Province"
    رسول افسری, Jahanbakhsh Balist, Hassan Darabi, mohammad reza mirzaei
    geographic space planning, Vol. 12, No 2, pp.149-167, 2022
  30. "Reviewing Historical cemetery: A Phenomenological Approach to the Lived Experiences of vistors - A Case Study of Wadi al-Salam cemetery in Qom"
    Hassan Darabi, Erfan Khodaparast, Fatemeh Eshaghi, Homa Irani Behbahani
    Urban Design Discourse, Vol. 2, No 4, pp.59-77, 2022
  31. "Design of a mountain eco-park based on landscape services (Case study: Shadab Mountain of Tarhan)"
    Hassan Darabi, یاسر باژدار, Amir Houshang Ehsani
    Human Geography Research Quarterly, Vol. 54, No 1, pp.173-192, 2022
  32. "The Analysis the Concept of Passive Defense in Road Transport Network Management Using the Defense Experiences (Case Study: Khuzestan Province)"
    رسول افسری, Jahanbakhsh Balist, Hassan Darabi, محمدرضا میرزایی
    Passive Defense, Vol. 12, No 4, pp.39-52, 2022
  33. "Analysis trend of ecological landscape evolution in city of "Qom" based on the Alberti model"
    Erfan Khoda Parast, Fatemeh Eshaghi, Hassan Darabi
    Journal of Environmental Sciences, Vol. 19, No 3, pp.123-142, 2021
  34. "Investgaton the relatonship of urban outdoor spaces and COVID-19 pandemic"
    Hassan Darabi, reyhane Ashtiyani, Mona M. RezaeiAnvar, Neda Farsizadeh
    Knowledge of prevention and crisis management, Vol. 2, No 11, pp.179-190, 2021
  35. "An Analysis of Officials and Governing Institutions in the Zayandeh Watershed Challenge"
    Varjavand Naseri Hossein, اصغر طهماسبی, Hassan Darabi, Ahmad Reza Yavari, Mohammad Javad Amiri, Gholam Reza Nabi Bidhendi
    Journal of spatial analysis of environmental hazards, Vol. 7, No 4, 2021
  36. "Evaluation of factors affecting resilience cultivation pattern of urban green spaces for arid land (Case study: Qom city)"
    Hassan Darabi, Yasser Moarab, Jahanbakhsh Balist, بهروز ناروئی
    Journal of Arid Biome, Vol. 10, No 2, pp.19-35, 2021
  37. "Evaluation of Landscape services in sub_urban area"
    Morteza Mousalu, Hassan Darabi, Amir Houshang Ehsani
    journal of Rural Research, Vol. 11, No 3, 2020
  38. "An Investgaton of the Rural Development Policies of Sixth Five-Year Social, Cultural and Economic Development Plan in Iran"
    Masomeh Amani, Farhad Azizpour, حسن افراخته, اصغر طهماسبی, Hassan Darabi
    journal of Rural Research, Vol. 11, No 1, pp.22-35, 2020
  39. "Evaluation of Effective Components on Resilience of Urban Green Space Planting Pattern in Hot and Dry Areas, Case Study: City of Zahedan"
    بهروز ناروئی, Yaser Moarrab, Hassan Darabi
    Geography and Territorial Spatial Arrangement, Vol. 10, No 34, pp.23-44, 2020
  40. "The Design of Resilient Green Spaces towards Adapting with Climate Change,Case Study Behesht Boulevard, Borujerd"
    Hassan Darabi, ایمان سعیدی
    The Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 21, No 9, pp.209-219, 2019
  41. "Ecological Landscape Design in Semi-Arid Areas on Basis of Water Sensitive Urban Design Approach (case study: Mohajeran City)"
    ایمان سعیدی, Hassan Darabi
    Journal of Environmental Studies, Vol. 44, No 4, pp.695-707, 2019
  42. "Revitalization of Neshat Garden of Firouzeh City based on Historical and Environmental Evidences"
    Mitra Khayat Moghadam, Homa Irani Behbahani, Hassan Darabi
    Pazhohesh-ha-ye Bastanshenasi Iran, Vol. N/A, 2017
  43. "reconstruction of neshat garden in firuzeh city base on Historical and enviromental Documentation"
    Mitra Khayat Moghadam, Homa Irani Behbahani, Hassan Darabi
    Pazhohesh-ha-ye Bastanshenasi Iran, Vol. 7, No 15, pp.219-237, 2017
  44. "Comparison of Results of Pralong and TOPSIS in Tourism Site Selection and design (Case study: Shamrood Basin)"
    Shiva Baharestani, Mohsen Kafi, Hassan Darabi
    The Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 18, No 3, pp.362-377, 2017
  45. "An analysis on Urban-Village approaches"
    Maryam Sepahi, Hassan Darabi, Homa Irani Behbahani
    Journal of Housing and Rural Environment, Vol. 35, No 156, 2017
  46. "Explaining investment challenges of international migrants’ remittances in spatial planning and economic development of physical-spatial areas (case: Lamard county)"
    [] [], Seyed Hasan Motiei Langeroudi, Abdolreza Rokn Aldin Eftekhari, Hassan Darabi
    SPATIAL PLANNING, Vol. 21, No 1, pp.197-219, 2017
  47. "Introduce of community garden functions and its role in urban sustainability"
    Sajad Shamshiri, Hassan Darabi
    Human and environment, Vol. X, 2016
  48. "Explaining the motivations of international migrants remittances with grounded theory a case study: Lamerd township"
    Ebrahim Rastegar, Seyed Hasan Motiei Langeroudi, Hasanali Faraji Sabokbar, Fazileh Dadvarkhani, Hassan Darabi
    journal of Rural Research, Vol. 6, No 3, pp.613-634, 2015
  49. "Design of elder sanatorium based on healing landscape (case study: Baraki sanatorium of Borujerd)"
    ایمان سعیدی, Hassan Darabi, Mohsen Goodarzi
    Journal of Environmental Studies, Vol. 41, No 3, 2015
  50. "Representation of Atheistic nature from quran and hadith veiwpoint"
    ایمان سعیدی, Hassan Darabi
    پژوهشهای میان رشته‌ای قرآن کریم, Vol. 5, No 1, pp.7-22, 2015
  51. "Campus design based on resilience approach in water shortage crises ( Case study: Malayer university)"
    ایمان سعیدی, Hassan Darabi
    Journal of Environmental Studies, Vol. 40, No 4, 2014
  52. "The financial potential and Spatial Distribution of International Migrants’ Remittances in the Health Care Sector of Lamerd Settlements"
    Seyed Hasan Motiei Langeroudi, Fazileh Dadvarkhani, Hasanali Faraji Sabokbar, Hassan Darabi, Ebrahim Rastegar
    Geography (Regional Planning), Vol. 4, No 13, pp.87-102, 2014
  53. "Structural analysis of Sarab-ghanbar gardens based on landscape ecology principles"
    Sajad Shamshiri, Hassan Darabi
    Natural Ecosystems of Iran, Vol. 4, No 2, pp.71-86, 2013
  54. "Ecological Design of Urban Forest Park Case Study: Shahid Beshti Forest park in Brojerd"
    Hassan Darabi, ایمان سعیدی
    Journal of Environmental Studies, Vol. 39, No 2, pp.1-10, 2013
  55. "Old Peersari neighborhood rehabilitation and renovation in Rasht based on participation approach"
    Nader Zali, Hassan Darabi, Asgar Mirzaie Doroodkhani
    Research and Urban Planning, Vol. 4, No 12, 2013
  56. "Suburban gardens design and conservational-tourstic organisition case stydy sarab Qanbar, Kermanshah"
    Sajad Shamshiri, Hassan Darabi
    Human and environment, Vol. 24, No 35, 2013
  57. "A Review on Public Participation in Reconstruction of Bam Earthquake"
    حسین ظفری , Hassan Darabi
    Journal of Housing and Rural Environment, Vol. 31, No 139, pp.3-16, 2013
  58. "Centers of Knowledge Production in Rural Development Projects, Case Study: Rural Physical Guide Plans"
    Hassan Darabi, بهادر افشیدکیا
    journal of Rural Research, Vol. 3, No 3, pp.113-137, 2012
  59. "Participatory Design in Rural Environment"
    Hassan Darabi
    Journal of Environmental Studies, Vol. 35, No 4, pp.111-124, 2010
  60. "Knowledge management and rural development plans in Iran"
    Hassan Darabi, یوسف نعیمی
    Journal Of Rural Development, Vol. 2, No 1, pp.125-147, 2010
  61. "Governomental investment role in stabilazation of Rural population (case study:Kashan region)"
    Abbas Saidi, Abdolreza Rokn Aldin Eftekhari, Hassan Darabi
    Geographical Researches Quarterly Journal, Vol. 21/4, No 83, 2007

Conference Paper

  1. "Mountain Vulnerability Assessments Method: A Rapid Overview"
    Hassan Darabi
    The first international sustainable mountain conference, 2023
  2. "Historical Destination Image as a New Concept in Heritage/Cultural Tourism"
    Mahta Saremi, Hassan Darabi, Mohammad Javad Amiri, Gholam Reza Nabi Bidhendi, Homa Irani Behbahani
    International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics, 2018
  3. "Role of Safety and Security on Destination Image of Iran"
    Hassan Darabi, Azar Vaeziheir, Hadis Kordani, Parisa Rasoli
    4th World Research Summit for Tourism and Hospitality: Innovation, Partnerships and Sharing, 2017
  4. "A Conceptual Model of Health and Environmental Security"
    Hassan Darabi, ebrahim rastegar, Yuki Nishikawa
    15th Asia Pacific Conference (AY2017) - RCAPS, 2017
  5. "Rural Tourism Segmentation: A Case from Iran"
    Hassan Darabi, Naser Bayat, [] [], Majid Tajic
    4th International Conference on Environmental Planning and Management, 2017
  6. "A new knowledge management model for the conservation of historical sites"
    Mahta Saremi, Hassan Darabi, Mohammad Javad Amiri, Gholam Reza Nabi Bidhendi, Homa Irani Behbahani
    3rd International Conference on Tourism: Theory, Current Issues and Research, 2017
  7. "Persimmon Fruit Heavy Metal Determination in Tehran"
    Hassan Darabi, Ali Ashori
    3rd International Conference on Applied Research in Agriculture Sciences, 2016
  8. "The status of solar energy in environmental security literature"
    Hassan Darabi, Ebrahim Rastegar
    2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Solar Energy (ICESE-2015), 2015
  9. "Climate Change as Wicked Problems towards Sustainable Development"
    Amin Padash, Hassan Darabi
    International Congress on Climate Change, Social Responsibility and Future Generation, 2014
  10. "Functional role of natural structures in forming Bishapur Archeological City-Iran"
    فیروزه آقا ابراهیمی سامانی, بهرنگ بهرامی, Homa Irani Behbahani, Hassan Darabi, Hamidreza Jafari
    4th International conference on Remote sensing in Archeology, 2012
  11. "Functional role of natural structures in forming Bishapur Archeological City-Iran"
    فیروزه آقاابراهیمی سامانی, بهرنگ بهرامی, Homa Irani Behbahani, Hassan Darabi, Hamidreza Jafari
    4th International conference on Remote sensing in Archeology, 2012
  12. "Climate-Responsive Planting Design: A Review Study"
    Peiman Golchin, Hassan Darabi
    First National Conference of Urban Environment, 2024
  13. "Nature-based Solutions Approach in Selecting Green Roof Plant Species""
    Mitra Sadat Khayat Moghadam, Hassan Darabi, Rezvan Saeedi
    First National Conference on Future and Environmental Sustainability, 2024
  14. "An overview on five ecological restoration approach"
    Hassan Darabi, Shakila Abedi
    The First National Conference on Future and Environmental Sustainability, 2024
  15. "Low Carbon Strategies Formulation: a pathway to the Future"
    Hassan Darabi, فائزه پویانژاد
    First National Conference on Future and Environmental Sustainability, 2024
  16. "Exploring the changing process of different generations of IPC climate change scenarios"
    Hassan Darabi, رویا خاموشیان
    The 7th National Conference on Soil and Watershed Protection (Consequences of Climate Change on Agriculture and Natural Resources), 2024
  17. "The assembly role in ecological restoration"
    Fazeli Ardalan, Hassan Darabi
    The first national conference on strategies for the development of green space in cities on the edge of the desert, 2023
  18. "Comparison of coastal landscape assessment methods, SWOT and natural solutions based framework"
    فاطمه رحیمی پور انارکی, Hassan Darabi
    The 5th National Conference on Environmental Engineering and Managment, 2023
  19. "Objective assessment of Telo Park Entrance Based on Hessel’s Method"
    ساناز عالی پور, Hassan Darabi, حمید رضا رستم مراد
    The 5th National Conference on Environmental Engineering and Managment, 2023
  20. "Principles of Ecological Design for Urban Landscapes"
    Hassan Darabi, مریم کریم خانی
    The 5th National Conference on Environmental Engineering and Managment, 2023
  21. "Climate uncertainties and environmental and landscape design (a case study of Karun riverside area in Ahvaz city)"
    Hassan Darabi, Abdolhossein Hoveyzavi
    The 9th scientific research conference on the development and promotion of architectural sciences and urban planning in Iran, 2023
  22. "A Novel Method for Coastal Landscape Analysis"
    Hassan Darabi, فاطمه رحیمی پور انارکی
    1st National Conference on Marine Sciences With the approach of innovation in aquatic ecosystems, relying on the sea-based economy, 2022
  23. "Visual pollution in the coastal landscape"
    حامد احمدی, Hassan Darabi
    1st National Conference on Marine Sciences With the approach of innovation in aquatic ecosystems, relying on the sea-based economy, 2022
  24. "Analysis of social ecological system in aquatic ecosystems in the framework of systemic approach"
    Hassan Darabi, ساناز عالی پور, Amir Houshang Ehsani
    1st National Conference on Marine Sciences With the approach of innovation in aquatic ecosystems, relying on the sea-based economy, 2022
  25. "Managing Urban Floods with the Emphasize on the Protection Role of Blue and Green Infrastructures"
    [] [], Babak Omidvar, Bahram Malekmohammadi, Hassan Darabi
    13th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2022
  26. "Determination of Historical sites buffer zone(case study: Khsro Parviz Haunting Ground)"
    Taherh Khodadadi, Hassan Darabi
    7th.International Congress on Civil Engineering , Architecture and Urban Development, 2021
  27. "An overview on Ecological Restoration Approaches"
    Hassan Darabi
    The 3rd National Conference on Environmental Engineering and Mnagment, 2021
  28. "Investigation the change of landscape pattern in Kan area using the metrics of landscape ecology"
    Hassan Darabi, نوشین مختارزاده, پگاه مددی, مریم کریم خانی
    The 3rd National Conference on Environmental Engineering and Mnagment, 2021
  29. "Phenomenological discourse in the regeneration of historical cemeteries"
    Erfan Khoda Parast, Hassan Darabi, Homa Irani Behbahani
    National Conference on Architecture, Civil Engineering, Urban Development and Horizons of Islamic Art in the Second Step Statement of the Revolution, 2021
  30. "Ecological restoration of urban rivers, connection of natural and man made structures"
    Fatemeh Eshaghi, Hassan Darabi, Homa Irani Behbahani
    National Conference on Architecture, Civil Engineering, Urban Development and Horizons of Islamic Art in the Second Step Statement of the Revolution, 2021
  31. "An overview of ecological landscape changes trend in the "Kan" area during 1990 to 2020"
    Erfan Khoda Parast, Fatemeh Eshaghi, Hassan Darabi
    National Conference on Architecture, Civil Engineering, Urban Development and Horizons of Islamic Art in the Second Step Statement of the Revolution, 2021
  32. "investigation of urban managment on increasing traffic safety of people visual impairment"
    reyhane Ashtiyani, Hassan Darabi
    3rd International Congress on Contemporary Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Development, 2019
  33. "Investigating Crisis Mangement role for Creating Buildings safe places on Basis of Passive Defence Approach"
    reyhane Ashtiyani, Hassan Darabi, Mona Rezai anvar
    9th International Conference on Sustainable Development and Urban Development, 2019
  34. "Investigating of Temporal Houses Design on basis of Crisis management"
    Raha Ashtyiani, Hassan Darabi
    6th. National Congress on civil engineering, architecture and urban development, 2019
  35. "Role of Cognative Factor in Tourists Behaviour and its impacts on Environmental Sustainability"
    Mahta Saremi, Hassan Darabi, Mohammad Javad Amiri, Gholam Reza Nabi Bidhendi, Homa Irani Behbahani
    4th International Congress of Developing Agriculture, Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism of Iran, 2019
  36. "Ecological Strategies for Reduction of Landfill Environmental Impact In Hyrcanian Forests"
    Hassan Darabi, Homa Irani Behbahani, Ali Daryabeigi Zand, سیمین نیک منش
    The 1st National Congress on Iranian Forests, Research and Development, 2018
  37. "Ecological wisdom in protecting forests"
    Hassan Darabi, Mohammad Javad Amiri
    The 1st national congress on Iranian forest, research and development, 2018
  38. "A review on Ecological Restoration stratgies in Environmental and forest Domain"
    پریسا رسولی دهخوارقانی, Hassan Darabi, Amir Houshang Ehsani
    The 1st National Congress on Iranian Forests, Research and Development, 2018
  39. "Designing of protected area’s landscape based on tourists’ bahavior"
    Farimah Izadkhah, Hassan Darabi, Mohsen Kafi
    4th International Conference on Environmental Planning and Management, 2017
  40. "Provides a systemic approach to managing the crises caused by ecological degradation in the Salt Lake Watershed Using the Framework of the DPSIR Model (Case Study: Masileh Plain of Qom)"
    Abbas Gafari, Hassan Darabi, Mohammad Javad Amiri, Gholam Reza Nabi Bidhendi
    The 1st meeting of Salt Lake crisis and dust phenomena in the Central Basin of Iran, 2017
  41. "Application of Knowledge Management in Designing Urban Public Spaces with Emphasis on Safety and Security"
    Hassan Darabi, Mohammad Javad Amiri, Gholam Reza Nabi Bidhendi
    2nd National Conference on Firefighting and Urban Safety, 2017
  42. "Determine the suitable plant for use in artificial wetland based on water treatment"
    Hassan Darabi, Roya Rezaei Jozani
    2nd national Conferance on Environmental engineering and managment, 2017
  43. "Simulation of Achi Chai floow by Gen planning model"
    Hassan Darabi, Parisa Rasoli
    2nd national Conferance on Environmental engineering and managment, 2017
  44. "Application of Debt apprach in Reginal environment"
    Hassan Darabi
    2nd International Conferance on IALE, 2016
  45. "Urban Furnoture in Urban Landscape, The Case of Tehran North West footbridges"
    Anoosheh Gohari, Hassan Darabi, Pegah Gohari
    3.th International Congress on Civil Engineering , Architecture and Urban Development, 2015
  46. "Climate change and challenges of landscape and Green space Design"
    Hassan Darabi
    1st national conference on Green spaces and sustainable Landscape, 2015
  47. "Role of Natural Element and Green Spaces in Urban Identity"
    Reza Paziresh, Hassan Darabi, ایمان سعیدی
    National Conference in Green space and Sustainable Landscape, 2015
  48. "The evaluation of possibility of using Vetiver grass in order to Phytoremediation and removing heavy metals in cement factory of Iran"
    ایمان سعیدی, Hassan Darabi
    3rd Intenational Conference on Cement Industry, Energy and Environment, 2014
  49. "Principles of Selecting Plant for Landscaping Cement Factory"
    ایمان سعیدی, Hassan Darabi
    3rd Intenational Conference on Cement Industry, Energy and Environment, 2014
  50. "Visual assessment application for historical landscape restoration, case study Partian monuments inKhoreh"
    Fatemeh Roostai, Hassan Darabi
    International Conferce on Civil engineering archtecture and urban sustainable development, 2013
  51. "The concept of urban landscape integration over time continuum"
    Zahra Assar Khaniki, Hassan Darabi, Homa Irani Behbahani
    International Conferce on Civil engineering archtecture and urban sustainable development, 2013
  52. "Carbon sequestration potential of biomass in reducing greenhouse gases from the cement industry"
    Amenh Khanipoor, Hassan Darabi
    2nd International Conferance in Cement, energy and Environment, 2013
  53. "integrity in urban landscape design, a step towards sustainability landscape ecology, case study Rey"
    Zahra Assar Khaniki, Hassan Darabi, Homa Irani Behbahani
    1st International conference on IALE, 2013
  54. "Using the Principles of Landscape Ecology in Suburban Area to Enhance the Ecological Sustainability (Case Study: Borujerd City)"
    ایمان سعیدی, Hassan Darabi
    1st International conference on IALE, 2013
  55. "Structural Analysis of Tarasht urban-village Landscape ecology"
    Maryam Sepahi, Hassan Darabi, Homa Irani Behbahani
    12st interantional conferance on IALA, 2013
  56. "From Landscape ecology to landscape assessment in environmental design"
    Hassan Darabi
    1st International conference on IALE, 2013
  57. "k"
    Hassan Darabi, Ameneh Khaki Pur
    a, 2013
  58. "b"
    Hassan Darabi, Homa Irani Behbahani, سجاد شمشیری
    d, 2012
  59. "Using fuzzy theory in landscape evaluation"
    Hassan Darabi, Homa Irani Behbahani, سجاد شمشیری
    2th conference in Environmental planning and management, 2012
  60. "land use change reasons in suburban Gardens Case study: Sarab Qanbararea in kermanshah"
    Hassan Darabi, Homa Irani Behbahani, سجاد شمشیری
    2nd Conferance of Environmental planning and managemnt, 2012
  61. "bagh"
    Hassan Darabi, Homa Irani Behbahani, سجاد شمشیری
    2th, 2012
  62. "programing"
    Hassan Darabi
    1th, 2011